Indiana Catastrophic Injury Lawyer
Catastrophic injuries alter everything in your life, and you have the right to hold somebody responsible. Seeking compensation through the court can be easier when you have an Indiana catastrophic injury lawyer by your side. The esteemed catastrophic injury lawyers at Stein Law will fight for your rights and the compensation you deserve as the victim of another’s careless behavior.
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Catastrophic injuries change lives. These injuries can completely change everything about how you go about your day and handle your responsibilities. They can alter your existence because they cause drastic changes in your body and health.
The law allows you to fight for your rights and seek compensation from the responsible party. While going to court cannot fix the medical issues you now must endure, the money you could recover can help to make your new normal easier.
The key to fighting for your rights is hiring an Indiana catastrophic injury lawyer to support and protect you through the process.
Trust Our Indiana Catastrophic Injury Lawyers with Your Financial Well-Being
The Indiana catastrophic injury lawyers at Stein Law focus on helping injured victims. We want to see you through this tough time by making the legal side of your situation more manageable.
At Stein Law, we understand the challenges of the catastrophically injured and know how to apply the law to these accident situations. With a combined experience spanning more than 75 years, the Stein Law attorneys know personal injury law and the legal strategies proven to hold those responsible accountable for how they have changed your life.
We can walk you through the legal process while also dealing with insurance companies or other possible headaches. Your attention needs to be on healing, so you can expect our lawyers to handle the lawsuit and look out for your best interests.
What is a catastrophic injury?
After an accident, you may wonder if you have suffered a catastrophic injury, especially if the term is new to you. Generally, a catastrophic injury is one that results in permanent changes in bodily functions.
These are not minor issues. You will have drastic changes in how your body works. While you might be able to recover, there will generally be some lasting effects from the injury.
Types of Catastrophic Injury Cases We Handle at Stein Law
Catastrophic injuries generally impact major body systems. The brain and spinal cord are most likely involved in these types of medical situations. The injuries may include:
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
- Spinal cord damage
- Limb amputation
- Burns
- Disfigurement
How do catastrophic injuries occur?
Serious injuries can occur in a variety of situations. Catastrophic accident incidents which would allow you to bring a personal injury lawsuit include:
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Dangerous premises accidents
- Product liability
- Bicycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Medical malpractice
- Motorcycle accidents
- Assault
- Sports accidents
Personal injury claims also include wrongful death, which occurs when one person causes the death of another through negligence.
What are the consequences of a catastrophic injury?
Catastrophic injuries are named as such because they change your life. These serious medical issues are something that will be with you forever.
Some of the more severe injuries involve a loss of function that will turn your life upside down. For example, a spinal cord injury that results in paralysis will impact everything from where you live to how you handle your daily needs. It may be difficult to manage regular tasks — feeding yourself or bathing, for example — so you may need to secure daily assistance.
You may also have to relearn how to walk or talk after certain injuries. Brain injuries, for example, can lead to problems with cognitive skills that require you to go through extensive therapy to overcome.
Your injury could also result in your inability to work. This will likely create financial issues and may leave you highly dependent on others.
Even if the injury does not stop you from functioning on a day-to-day basis, chances are good it will impact your mental health. Depression is a common result of experiencing a medical situation of this extreme. The changes you experience can be difficult to accept, which could lead to mental health struggles.
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Our Offices
Floyd County Office
Downtown New Albany
810 E. Market St.
New Albany, IN 47150
Clark County Office
Bolt & Tie Building
1400 Main St. Suite 154
Clarksville, IN 47129
Who can be held liable for a catastrophic injury?
Liability for your injury depends on the circumstances of your situation. For example, if you were hurt in a car accident, you might have a claim against the other driver.
Some instances may put you up against insurance companies or large corporations. You may sue a manufacturer for a product defect that led to your injuries, or you may have a claim against a city for an accident caused by a dangerous road situation.
With medical malpractice, you could have a case against the hospital, medical provider, doctor, or medical equipment manufacturer. Premises liability situations could mean you make a claim against a property owner or a management company.
The responsible party is whoever created the situation that led to your injury. You have the right to sue individuals, companies, and governments.
There are some exceptions where the law offers protection against certain parties. For example, if your situation involved a firearm, Indiana law protects the manufacturer against claims of misuse by gun owners.
The party whose negligence led to your injury is generally responsible under the law. When insurance is part of the equation, the insurer will typically be the first liable party. However, you can still go after the person directly responsible if insurance does not cover all of your needs.
Compensation for a catastrophic injury in Indiana?
You can recover damages if you bring your personal injury claim to court. These financial payouts can include compensatory and punitive awards.
Compensatory damages are those that compensate you for the financial losses you incurred as a result of the negligence of the other party. They include payments for the following:
- Lost wages
- Medical costs
- Property damage
- Ongoing care expenses
Compensatory damages may also cover losses that are not monetary, including:
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of consortium
- Mental distress
Punitive damages are a punishment authorized by the judge or jury in your case. This type of award makes a point or otherwise stresses the accountability of the responsible party. Not every award will include punitive damages.
The determination usually requires intention or malice on the part of the responsible individual or entity. For example, if your situation involved a DUI, then the other driver showed the intent to cause harm by driving drunk.
Does Indiana have a damage cap on catastrophic injuries?
A damage cap limits how much the court can require someone to pay. Indiana does not have a cap on compensatory damages. But the state does limit punitive damages. The law allows for the damage to be up to three times the compensatory award or $50,000. The greater of the two is the cap.
How much time do I have to file a catastrophic injury claim?
The statute of limitations is the legal time limit for filing a claim. Almost every legal matter has one.
For personal injury claims, Indiana law sets a time limit of two years from the date of the injury. If you do not file within the statute of limitations, you lose your right to make a claim. The court will throw out your case if it is past this time.
Contact the Catastrophic Injury Lawyers at Stein Law
After a catastrophic injury, you need not feel alone. Securing an Indiana catastrophic injury lawyer means having a legal professional by your side to assist you as you navigate the next steps.
The attorneys at Stein Law have experience in fighting for people just like you. We have a track record of securing compensation for clients and assisting them with standing up for their rights. Contact Stein Law today for a free case evaluation.